기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래 Going Global,
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기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래 Going Global,
Coming to Seoul -
기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래 Going Global,
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기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래 Going Global,
Coming to Seoul
기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래
Going Global,
Coming to Seoul
기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래
Going Global,
Coming to Seoul
기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래
Going Global,
Coming to Seoul
기술혁신을 통한 새로운 미래
Going Global,
Coming to Seoul
The Division of Research Planning establishes mid-to long-term development strategies for the institute and basic plans for research projects including planning and developing research projects to cope with the current issues and the future of Seoul. The department is responsible for managing and expanding research results including the planning, selection, coordination, evaluation, and the expansion of research projects.
The Division of Administration and Management is in charge of administration and management of the SIT. Its roles include Business Planning, Accounting, Human Resource Management, Promotion, and IT to contribute to the growth of the institute. We aim to become a technology innovative research institute that can be trusted by the citizens.
The Center for Technology Innovation is in charge of the “New Technology Submission Portal” of the SIT and its related tasks. By receiving, assessing, and supporting the innovative technology of the private sector and supporting on-site substantiation and research to provide a link to the Seoul government, we will contribute to making the lives of the citizens safer, more convenient, and more comfortable.
The Division of Urban Infrastructure Research is in charge of making Seoul a safer and more convenient city for the citizens. We will implement innovative technology at each step of the changes in the urban environment, starting from infrastructure planning to construction, maintenance control, and danger responses, to make a Smart City environment that guarantees the safety of our citizens with great features.
The Division of Living and Built Environment Research is in charge of solving the various living environment issues of the citizens to make Seoul a better place to live for everyone. To create a healthy ecological foundation for better water quality and healthy ecosystem, to secure resource circulation for sustainbility, and create a clean living environment and safe surroundings, we conduct research on convergent and practical technology that is visible to the citizens.
The Division of Climate and Environmental Research performs research in various fields to ensure that the air we breathe is safe and to improve our city’s ability to cope with climate change. We conduct research on reducing air pollutants, improving the climatic environment, developing relevant technologies, and reviewing technologies and evaluating effectiveness to create a pleasant and healthy air environment in Seoul.
The Division of Safety and Disaster Prevention Research Seoul a stronger city that can protect its citizens from disasters. By protecting the lives and assets of the citizens from disasters, we will make sure that the citizens can be safe and happy. We will preemptively prepare for various urban issues including safety accidents, floods, fires, and worn-out facilities, and conduct high-tech and innovative technology research to prepare the future of Seoul as a safe city. With a goal to establish a smart safety city with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and new materials, we will lead research on reducing the anxiety of our citizens about disasters, advancements of technology policies to provide a safe environment, and technology development.
The Division of Smart City Research aims for “intelligent urban management that uses future convergence technology.” It researches technology, policies and platforms in the urban planning and management, transportation, energy, and environment fields so that new technology, including IoT, big data, and AI may be sustainably used in the Seoul and metropolitan areas.
The Center for Earthquake Mitigation systematically strengthens capabilities to prevent earthquake disasters to prepare Seoul for earthquakes. To achieve this goal, the center acts as a control tower to perform research and develop policies on earthquake preparedness and response, reinforce the earthquake preparedness and response of public sectors and citizens, and strengthen the cooperation system between government, industry, university, and research institutes.
The Center for Data Science is in charge of innovating the research process with the newest technology from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and conducts joint research to transform Seoul into a Smart City to secure sustainability. It conducts big data analytical and convergence research based on AI to solve various urban issues in Seoul and the metropolitan areas, and aims to establish a decision-making support system for urban issues by searching for, collecting, processing, and analyzing urban big data.