About SIT



Thank you for visiting Seoul Institute of Technology, the science and technology think tank in Seoul, one of the world's best cities.

The new normal has emerged as a hot topic amidst unpredictable events. Before any conclusion could be reached, we are facing a completely different phenomenon than before due to the Covid-19 pandemic, being puzzled about future prospects.

“The Seoul Institute of Technology was established to carry out a role as a mediator by integrating data-based solutions and the latest science and technology in order to solve complex urban problems.”

Since its establishment in 2018, the Seoul Institute of Technology has concentrated on providing solutions to complex and diverse urban challenges to make a safer city for citizens by utilizing cutting-edge science and technology.

We will continue to communicate and deliver technology quickly so that our policy customers, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and its citizens, can utilize it.

In addition, we will strive to make citizens happy by not only identifying new technology trends, but also integrate them with municipal administration.

Through science and technology of Seoul Institute of Technology, we will realize a safe, pleasant, global leading and convenient city.

"We will change the daily life of Seoul citizens through science and technology of the Seoul Institute of Technology."

Thank you.




  • 전남대학교 토목공학과
  • 연세대 공학대학원 도시계획과 석사



18.01 - 18.06서울시 안전총괄본부장

15.07 - 17.12서울시 도시기반시설본부

15.01 - 15.06서울시 상수도사업본부 부본부장

12.01 - 13.06도시안전실 시설안전정책관

09.01 - 10.03도시교통본부 도로기획관


18.08 - 19.10서울시 안전총괄본부장